
Providing an empowering discussions on issues relating to pregnancy, birth and family life; and offering information on local resources.

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Breast feeding in public?! How outrageous!

How offensive is it to see a woman showing off her Ta-ta's in public!?
I mean sometimes I'm trying to get through the day with kids in tow and do I really need to expose them to that!
Take for instance:
Come on Lady! Put those things away!

Well how about this one!

HMMM!!! Are you just repulsed yet?


AGH! Torment! I am really annoyed at these!

In our society this is ok...

And this...

No problem with this on a cover of a magazine at the local check out?

I think someone forgot to put on the rest of her clothing...

Don't want to hit a bump or curb with this dress!
Our society has lost the real reason that breastfeeding is a great choice for one's children. It is a wonderful start for children. I breastfeed! It's a choice that I have done with all my children. I breast feed my first for 10 months, my second for a few weeks but had to stop due to medication. My third for 3 years! And our newest addition? So far going on 9 months and I do not have plans to stop soon. Giving my children this great start has helped them with antibodies, the comfort and closeness that they need. The best benefit for them! Of course I have the added benefit of shedding those pesky pregnancy pounds faster then I would if I had not breastfeed.

I am not one of those moms that whip my breasts out for the world to see. I do not agree with that, but I have to say seeing the first few photos of the women breastfeeding is a lovely thing! When I see a mom in public breastfeeding I almost feel as though we are in a inside group that many have not had the joy to share for one reason or another. And that's ok for whatever your choice.
Breastfeeding is not painful
Breastfeeding is not gross
Breastfeeding is not a sexual thrill
Breastfeeding is a wonderful bonding experience!

Here's my little guy just after he got done feeding, he is on my breast... Happy and content!

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