
Providing an empowering discussions on issues relating to pregnancy, birth and family life; and offering information on local resources.

If you are in the NW Indiana area or South Burbs of IL please contact me for more information on Prenatal or Labor services. littlecriesandlullabies@gmail.com

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Need more Magnesium?

There are several ways to get this wonderful mineral! Besides enjoying a long bath you can make your own Magnesium Oil!
I wish I had this when I was going through blood pressure issues with my last pregnancy!
Credit is due:

Magnesium is a mineral that’s needed for many functions in the body, including:
  • Healthy blood pressure levels
  • Normal muscle and nerve function
  • Strong immune system
  • Normal heart rhythm
  • Normal blood sugar levels
  • and more!
Only 1% of the body’s magnesium use is in the blood, so a blood test likely will not tell you if you are deficient.
Magnesium deficiency may cause:
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Muscle aches
  • Irregular heart rhythm
  • High blood sugar/difficulty managing blood sugar levels
  • Mental confusion or fogginess
  • Fatigue
  • Non-restful sleep
  • Restless legs (especially at night)
  • Insomnia/difficulty sleeping
  • Seizures
  • Low levels of calcium and/or potassium in the blood
In the first trimester, when your body is rapidly building every organ system in your baby’s body, you go through nutrients quickly.  Magnesium is one of the major ones, and one that most of us are deficient in anyway.   Plus, the early signs of magnesium deficiency are the same as morning sickness!  (I definitely experienced those in my first trimester when I knew my magnesium levels were getting low, and supplementing via a bath typically improved this.)
Magnesium also isn’t easily absorbed orally.  Most of it passes through, which causes diarrhea for many (it’s an effective laxative though!).  The best way to absorb magnesium is through your skin.
Doing a foot bath or a tub bath, preferably with magnesium chloride flakes (which are better absorbed than Epsom salts, or magnesium sulfate), can definitely help.  However, it’s expensive, as you’re pouring up to 2 c. of the flakes into a tub and washing them away when you’re done.
A more cost-effective way is to make this magnesium oil spray, and use on thinner-skinned areas (inside of thighs, upper arms, stomach, etc.) as needed.
You will need:
  • 1 c. magnesium chloride flakes
  • 1 c. filtered water
  • A spray bottle or glass jar
Gather up your supplies (I don’t have a spray bottle yet so I’m storing in a glass mason jar for now).

Heat the water gently.  It does not need to be boiling, only warm (100 degrees or so).

Add your magnesium flakes to a glass jar (even if you’ll pour the finished mix into a spray bottle).

Pour the warm water in on top of the flakes.

Use a small wooden spoon (or a non-reactive metal) to stir this until dissolved — it should only take a minute.  You could also put a lid on it and shake it, I think.
That’s it!  Pour into a spray bottle and use as needed.  The entire bottle has around 20g of magnesium in it.  I can only estimate how much is in a spray, but I think around 100mg or so.  Pregnant women need about 350mg per day (ages 19 – 30 — older and younger women need a bit more).  Use as needed on the thinner areas of skin.

*Follow your Practitioners advice before using herbal/holistic remedies! I am not a doctor but have researched various herbs and alternative methods to use during pregnancy.*